Saturday, November 10, 2012

Been a Long Time....

Well it has been months upon months since I posted. I am no longer living in Montana, I barely run, I am not running for a school anymore, I no longer work at a golf course, but now work at a bike shop. Life has taken a lot of different routes in the last six months but its still in a good place. I have begun to run again, but most of my time has been taken up by riding my motorcycles. Which I need to re-evaluate since I keep hitting the ground, hurting myself and continuing to post pone my ability to get back to running. But I have decided that no matter what I am getting back on the running train and getting back in shape. Maybe to run a 50k or maybe just to be in good riding shape, but non the less I am starting to running again. I know this post wasn't much but I felt like I needed get whats going on out there as simply as it was written.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Has been to long..

Wow, it has been quite some time since I have taken the time to sit down and write anything. Granted it is now 12:20 and I have an 8 am exam, but I can not sleep so why not take advantage of the time right?

A lot has happened in my life since I last posted. First off, I am no longer running track or cross country for the university. There are a lot of reason for my decision to end my time running competitively for the school. I think that the biggest and probably the deciding reason comes down to my pure happiness in life. Whether it is just running, or school, work my relationships, it did not matter, what I was doing with running was not providing me with a joyful life. I am a firm believer that if you enjoy what you are doing, you will do well in it, and the opposite is also true. I was not enjoying going to practice and grinding out workouts, and my performance was a direct reflection of that. So I am now on my own running everyday and honestly loving the heck out of it. The magic of mileage has reclaimed its place in my life and I am finding myself talking myself out of running more and more, mostly out of fear I will break if I run as much as I truly want to right now.

With running on my own I was lucky enough to have a very unique experience this past weekend. There was a screening of Unbreakable (the WS 100 movie) here in Missoula, and Hal, Geoff and Anton all came up to be apart of the weekend. With this I was lucky enough to get a chance to run with Hal and Geoff, as well as Mike Foote and Mike Wolfe. We went out for three hours on Sentinel yesterday and man it was an experience I will not forget because honestly, it was like running with a group of my best friends that love running on the trails. Despite the following these guys have they are honestly normal people, and very respectable people at that. It was awesome to get the chance to click off 20+ miles with some of the top guys in the sport. But with this weekend, and meeting some more people in the community here, it is growing harder and harder to leave this town.

With my decision to end my time running here, I also ended the funding for my out of state tuition, which means I am going back to Bellingham to finish up an AA at Whatcom. Which has now become a very drastic split for me emotionally. I love Bellingham there is no doubt about it. Bellingham is home, my running group, my family, my work, almost everything I look for in life is there, and I will be done with school in a year max which is awesome. BUT I feel like I am going to miss out on some awesome experiences here. Since being done with the team Taylor and I have really started to experience Missoula for the town that it is. And its a great place. I don't really want to leave. Well I do, but yeah I don't. Obviously if I cant even portray how I feel in writing it shows how back and forth the emotions about moving are. But with moving comes some great running benefits. I'll be back with Pony and the crew running high mileage, even though I am running 110's right now. I am excited to be back in a cycle of mileage, but looking forward to running WITH people everyday in Bellingham.

All in all life has been very back and forth with a lot of changes lately, some good, some confusing but all in all I am much happier in my day to day life and am loving where life is taking me at the moment. I am very thankful to have Taylor here with me and help me figure things out with her as we are both going through this transition in life, and yet running is more rock solid than ever. Things tend to work out the way they are supposed to and I honestly feel that they are so I am excited to head home and get some miles and move up in distance and see what I can do at Chuckanut next year. Top 10? Fastest Whatcom county ever? Only time will tell.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Something New?

"Well lets just go to the store" "Right now?" "Yeah why not, get you some new shoes"
     Well Tay did get new shoes, but I walked out with my first pair of micro-spikes. My new weapons, chain and spikes just to get me off of the road. I have been dying lately. Every day I get up and run, with out complaining, and I enjoy it immensely. But every day, road, road, road, 200 meters of trail, road, road and more road. Today was different though. I have been thinking about the micro-spikes for a while now, but have shied away because of the price tag, well I jumped and I will never hesitate again. The micro-spikes are amazing. I ran almost completely on the trails today. If it wasn't for practice and a race on Saturday I would still probably be out there.
    People run for many different reason. Even with in teams and running groups every one has their own reason for running. Some to stay in shape, or get in shape. For many its to race and run fast. Others its for the comradery. For a few its purely about being out in nature enjoying the actual act of running and being away from everything else. For me running is that of the later. I love to be outside, and I love running. Why would I want to do something I love so much in a situation I don't love as much as the action. This is why I am a TRAIL runner. There is no place I enjoy running more than on a single track trail winding through the woods in the mountains. Something about being out away from the town and people, just you and the woods doing something as basic as running is a huge enjoyment for me.
     Today was one of these days. I have been longing for a way to get on the trails and the micro-spikes gave it to me. I had to FORCE myself to turn around and end my run today. I was running so smooth and effortlessly over the ice, cranking through corners and rolling down the hills. It was everything in a run that I have been looking for, and has now opened up doors for me to continue to do such runs. I now have a way to get to the top of Mt. Sentinel again which has been starring me down for the last three weeks asking my what I'm doing on the pavement.
     In the last three weeks I have been running a lot though. My mileage and work outs are finally at a balance that I am happy about, and it is keeping my motivation and drive higher than it has ever been during a college season. Last week my mileage was 91 miles. 91 MILES! This week is JUST as high! It's awesome. High mileage is such an odd thing. Even the thought of a low day begins to wear on my mind and bring my morale down, where even just the thought of a 12 mile trail run can carry me for a week of high spirits. I have not dipped under 10 miles in two weeks now and it seems to be the magic number. 10 miles. 70 ish minutes. Something about that double digit figure going into the log every day keeps me in a place that I know I need to get back out there and do at least that much again the next day. Yeah its a lot, yeah its "unorthodox," but this shit works. No one else on the team is running 90 mile weeks, but yet they aren't much ahead of me in races, no more than they were in cross country (less actually.)
     The biggest thing for me though is that I want to be here, I want to race and I want to run as a Grizzly again. I'm doing things different this spring, doing something no one else is doing, and it appears to be working. If it doesn't work physically, it sure is mentally. I know no one really reads this, but if you do, try it. Try running more than anyone thinks you should, or you can. 70 miles a week, sounds like a lot but its really barely over an hour a day, and damn it feels better than 50 minutes a day!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Back to the Grind

      Well after a month back home in Bellingham, I'm now back in Missoula. It has been a swirl of emotion with coming back and leaving home. I love Bellingham, it is one of the best places I have ever been and I am fortunate enough to have a home there. Although I have Missoula to thank for my appreciation of Bellingham. I don't think that if I had stayed at home for school that I would have the same desire to always come back.
      Enough about home though, for now Missoula is home, and I am glad to be back! It took a little bit to get settled in, as I moved out of the dorms (finally) and moved into a new house with a few guys. Being out of the dorms really makes me feel at home here more than before. I actually have somewhere to go that I have my own space and can make my own food and just relax. It is already better than I expected moving out to be, and I had high expectations. Its also nice to be back because I get to see Taylor every day now. Going home was hard for that, with neither of us having transportation and living 20 miles from eachother we rarely got to be together. All in all life is going well right now with just running and hanging out. I need to get back to work, the cash flow has been going only one way for the last 6 weeks and its becoming very noticeable.
      As far as running, everything is in a somewhat weird place right now. I am more motivated to get out and do work outs and race, but my legs are not. I have done two work outs and one race now and every one of them was exactly the same, my lungs asked for more and faster, my legs said your killing me from beginning to end. I know part of it is the fact that I am still working with my inner thigh injury situation, but that is slowly getting better. Fortunately I have been able to build the mileage back up again and after running today should be about 75 miles for this week. Which I am ecstatic about considering how my mileage usually is during the seasons.
      Ultras. My love and desire to run one is still growing. Somewhat at a scary rate due to where I am in my running career, but its something that will have to sit in the back of my mind and used as only a tool to carry higher mileage, but I have no real plan of racing one any time soon. I am tossing around the idea of racing two or three this summer though. My dreaming plan would be doing two local and low key 50k's for preparation for the White River 50 miler at the end of July. This again is all just dreaming with very little real application. But if I am able to carry 80-100 mpw through indoor and outdoor track, this dream may be put more towards the front of my mind, hopefully all working out with doing RAGNAR this year.
     I know this has been a very sporadic post with thoughts just put out there as they come to my mind with very little order and marginally connect to each other, but I want to end with talking about my indoor track debut. First off, indoor sucks, through and through. The track is awkwardly banked and almost spongey just sucking energy from my legs. The air is stagnant and way to warm making it difficult to breathe. As far as my race, I ran the 3k. I had set a perfect situation goal of 8:46 before altitude adjustment,  but knew that i would more likely run in the 9- range. Well it was even worse that that... 9:14 before adjustment. Which is about a 9:50 2 mile. In all honestly this is probably not to bad of a showing of the shape that I am in right now. As far as the race itself there isn't a lot to talk about, it hurt like hell, really early in the race. But I fought through a lot of it better than I was in cross country and ended up beating some people I never have before, all in all it wasn't terrible, I am just hoping for a big improvement next week at WSU.

Here are some pictures from the last while, well only snowshoeing, I don't know where snowmobiling and other pictures are currently.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 2-8th

Monday: off

Tuesday:4 mile hike to Fragrance Lake with Taylor, but no running.

Wednesday: 6 miles (43 min)
  First run in a week due to a strained abductor magnus.

Thursday: 9 miles (64 min)
Another run in Everson, with decreasing pain. But got out and went snow shoeing for about an hour in the morning.

Friday: AM 30 minutes in the pool (~4 miles?)
PM 8 miles (54:30) Found some new trails down at North Shore with some good climbing.

Saturday: 14 (1:40)

Sunday: 3 miles (22 min)
Skied all day then just got out for a shake out.

44 miles this week.

     Overall it has been a great week back. After 7 days off my abductor finally started to feel good to the point that I wanted to try running again. It went fairly well right off the bat on Wednesday and really had no change all the way through the run, and lessening pain as the week went on. But all week I have felt moderately awkward running. Nothing has felt horrible and off, but I never felt totally smooth and ready to go. I think part of it was a few different activities than I have been used to, snowshoeing and aqua-jogging. Both of which I enjoyed, but they used different muscles than running.

Snowshoeing was really a great time though. I never thought just hiking in the snow would be so much fun, but even in really terrible conditions it was a lot of fun to trek around with echo and my baby. I hope to continue to get the opportunity to use my snowshoes a fair amount this winter, maybe a trek to Carlton Lake in the snow? This week was great for my motivation and confidence knowing that I have not lost a lot of fitness in my week off. 
          Notice the sideways snow, not the nicest conditions. Still fun though!
   Taylor and Echo hiding from the wind.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

December 19- January 1st.

Well, the last two weeks have been very sporadic with my training. Two weeks ago I only ran four days, but still got in 60 miles with a 21 mile long run. Going to the cabin has been detrimental to my training. While at the cabin I did not run at all. Granted there is still physical activity going on, snowmobiling and working around the cabin, it still is not the same as putting in the miles. But when I returned to the west side of the mountains I had a great long run, then Christmas off, and two more great days of running before heading back to the cabin again.

This trip was different. I got my self out for a great 10 mile run on Wednesday. I got the chance to head out the groomers and up some snowmobile trails. The run was a lot more fun than I thought that it would be considering my little desire to get out the door. But running in the deep snow was great. I loved how easily it took my mind off running and just allowed me to love being in the mountains.

This was the last day I ran of 2011. The next day I woke up and went snowmobiling all day and never got the chance to run, but then woke up the next day to a very painful right leg. I went riding all day again, but this only made my leg worse. I have not run since Wednesday, and am still having issues with my leg. I can't quite figure out what is going on. Its a deep muscle or tendon pain in my inner thigh that seems to be straining me hamstring at the same time.

So unfortunately my year of running did not end quite the way I would have liked it too, nor has 2012 started particularly well either. But I still ran 3345 miles in 2011 and had a fairly pain free year. For the first time every I held a great running streak, completing a year straight in July. Although since then I missed more days than I can remember having missed in the last 2 years of steady training. But I am still happy with it. My goal for 2012 is too break 4000 miles and continue to stay healthy (after this thigh ailment.) I am also hoping to get back to more of a streak, but still being confident enough to take days off when I need to, but with this, bringing my days down from 33 in 5 months to under 15 in the year. Obviously this is health dependent and considering I am not running at the moment, its not a great start to keeping that number down. As for now my goal is to get out for 3-5 miles tomorrow and see how it feels, evaluate and treat my leg accordingly and slowly bring my miles back up as my leg allows, with the hope that by late this week I will be back to normal again.

As for now, happy new year! Time to start the mileage count over again : )

Deep, deep snow on Fridays ride, one of the most fun times I have ever had riding
Here is a song Tay played for me that has been stuck in my head all day. Enjoy.

Friday, December 23, 2011

December 12-18

Monday- AM 10 miles (1:20) ~2000ft
Up Crooked Trail and down Hell's Gate Canyon.
-PM 4 miles (30)
Just a nice shake out down the Kim Trail.

Tuesday- 12 miles (1:32) ~2500
Crooked trail to the top of Sentinel and back down.

Wednesday- Off

Thursday- AM 6 miles (39:30)
Out standard Rattlesnake Rd.
-PM 11 miles (1:19)
Standard Rattlesnake

Friday- 6 miles (43:20)

Saturday- 19 miles (2:19) ~2000 ft
Standard Rattlesnake, to Sawmill Gulch and down Curry Gulch. It was a new route, but something I plan to do again when I am back in town.

Sunday- 12 miles ( 1:27)
Standard Rattlesnake.

80 miles
6500 ft.

Well it took me way to long to get to this one. Been over a week since I have written anything and I finally feel like I have the time to sit down and write. It has been a hectic last 2 weeks now. With last week being finals week and transitioning out of the Dorms finally, while trying to bump my mileage up and getting sick- needless to say it did not go as well as planned. The week was that of a roller coaster, with days from 19 miles to 0. But being home now has replanted my drive for mileage more than it has been in the last 3 weeks.
I am excited to continue to try and get my mileage up to that triple digit mark, but this week has had me take 2 zeros already. Being in Eastern Washington at the cabin definitely did not promote running, extremely bad running conditions and not a ton of time to run, not to mention still trying to get the tail ends of this illness to dissipate.
On a good note, with my mileage being all over the place from 0-20 a day, I still find my motivation to still be high, and these days off are not affecting my drive to get out on the trails like they were in previous weeks. But with this motivation, and the higher mileage, I am interested in how this coming spring will go on the track and where it will take me. I still am focused on the track and doing everything I need to perform to a level that I have been hoping for, for the last 2 years, but I am really lacking the desire for any sort of structure within my training other than just mileage. I have struggled mentally at the idea of getting out and doing intervals or structured work outs of any kind. But I have been doing some improvised work outs in runs, and running more vertical than in the passed, all which I will be helping balance out the fact that I have done no "real" work outs.

This guy has been dominating my music every I get the chance, so enjoy.